On Jyothi’s recent trip to Nepal to bring relief items for the earthquake victims, she stopped and distributed Christmas gifts at an India Children’s Center. Jyothi and Jayan’s ASHA Ministry’s Christmas Outreach continues throughout December. Thank you for all your prayers and continued support. We pray the Prince of Peace brings each of you new hope and life into your area of influence in 2024.
- Christmas Outreach 2023
- India Children’s Center Christmas 2023
- Christmas 2023 Children Outreach
Jayan received Nepal’s govt. permission for Jyothi and team to distribute tents, tarps, and blankets to victims from October 7th earthquake and aftershocks in a remote area of Western Nepal, affecting over 36,000 people. Please pray for these families whose homes were destroyed, living in tents in the winter cold. Your prayers for the local pastor and all ASHA Ministry Pastors who counsel and help during these disasters is greatly appreciated.
- Nepal Earthquake Relief
- Jyothi Distributing Earthquake Relief
In October Anusha traveled to North India and brought flood relief to the foothills of the Himalayas. Please pray for those who lost family members and homes. Life Seeds sent self sustaining funds to help a widowed mom support her children by starting a food business. She lost her husband to a mud slide. Anusha also taught at the Bible College in Haryana and assisted Pastor Suresh at a Pastor’s Training in Punjab.
- Foothills of Himalyas Flooding Relief
- Flooding Relief Foothills of Himalayas North India
- Mud Slide From Flooding
- Anusha at Pastor’s Training in Punjab
- Anusha Teaching in Haryana Bible College
Jayan held two Pastors/Leaders Trainings in Andhra Pradesh in Fall and he and Anusha held Outreach Meetings at the end of November.
- Pastors & Leaders Training in AP
- Pastors n Leaders Training in AP
- Jayan and Anusha Outreach Meetings
We praise God Anusha was able to minister to the youth in Kenya and was also asked to speak to adults. She joined with WSO there, World Street Outreach believers from all over the world, and ministered at a prison as well. Thank you for all your prayers for her continued ministry locally and abroad.
- Anusha Teaching Youth in Kenya
- Anusha in Kenya
- Anusha Children’s Tribal Outreach
- Children’s Local Outreach
- Anusha’s Outdoor Day Camp
Please pray for the ongoing Christmas Outreach which often takes place after work and school. Hospital Outreach still to come. Because of your generous giving, we were able to bless Jayan and Jyothi’s ASHA Ministry 27 pastors with double salary this month as a Christmas gift. Thank you for your compassion and love!
- The Christmas Story of God’s Love to the World
- Christmas Village Outreach
- Children Christmas Outreach After School
- Hosting Local Pastors and Evangelists Christmas Meal and Clothes
- Winter Blankets Given to Tribal Pastor for Widowed Poor
- Widowed Evangelist Receiving Sari and Blanket at Pastor’s Meal
Please pray for wisdom and safety for Asha Ministry Team upcoming trip in January. Manipur persecution continues and many need healing, protection, relief, and safety from the conflicts and displacement from their homes. May God bless, strengthen, and protect each of you as you live and share God’s tangible love in 2024.
Romans 15:13
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.