We hope your Easter Celebrations bring each of you great joy and anticipation of what God’s love can accomplish this Spring in India! Our partner ministries in India continue to serve villages and reach new ones with needed tangible acts of love. Please pray for beloved India, the largest Democratic country in the world – soon to pass China in population. Pray for wisdom and strength for it’s leaders. Pray for our partner ministries who bring life changing help and hope to the countless families in remote rural villages still in great need.
Zion Ministry Outreach with Pastor Prem and Grace Overseers…
Ongoing tribal village outreaches…many face the biggest challenges of all with lack of facilities, resources, and fear of persecution.
Education Outreach Continues Helping Build Skills, Literacy, and Healthy Families…
Pastor Support: Churches Provide Meeting Places for Medical Camps, Family Counseling, Education, and Prayer…
God’s love in action transforms people, families, and communities of all economic status…
Thank You for Your Continued Prayers and Support of Current Needs…