“We recently took some visitors, David and Richard, to the field to meet our students. They can’t get over the vibrant response from our Bulambuli learners. They were impressed to learn that most of them have opened up personal businesses in response to their hunger for success in the economic world. We can’t wait to celebrate bigger milestones with them”.
“Co-teaching is working wonders for our learners. You should’ve seen how our Bududa and Manafwa (near Mt. Elgon) teachers gave energy to the classes. The learners loved it and the two teachers blended in naturally. This is one of our new strategies aimed at encouraging two teachers to bounce ideas off each other, and to share their unique skills with other classes. You may remember Namutosi Bernah taught her class to bake wedding cakes over a three-stone wood fire and to make it a business. Now she is sharing this with other classes. Each teacher has something to offer all the other classes”.