Dear Friends,
As 2017 comes to a close, we pray God’s Blessings in the New Year 2018 for each of you and your family! Enclosed are photos from our partners in India where they will be holding all night prayer gatherings to bring in the New Year. Incredible seeds of life continue to be planted, nourished, and harvested in India through your prayers and support! Thank you!
Life Seeds Partner Zion Ministry’s Outreach…
- Medical Eye Clinic at Borrampalem Multipurpose Bldg
- Multiple Village Christmas Outreaches
- Blankets Given for Christmas as Cold Nights Arrive
- Ongoing Widowed Feeding
- Adult Literacy Class Begins in Second Village
- Second Sewing Class in Borrampalem
Life Seeds Partner ASHA Ministry’s Outreach…
- Team Takes Clothes into Isolated Hill Tribes
- Pastor’s Support for Remote Villages
- Christmas Outreach to all Castes
- Christmas Programs
- Meals Given
- Pastors and Leaders Trainings given in Maharashtra and Odisha
Current Pastor’s Support Program Needs …
- Pastor Daniel Needs Home Built
- Tribal Church Roof and Walls Need Materials to Complete
- Prayer and Support for Youth Outreach
- Funds and Prayers for Pastors and Leaders Trainings
- Support for Adult Literacy, Sewing, and other Training Classes
- Church Plants for Family Health and Counseling