Life Seeds Oregon Brings Life in the Midst of Food Shortage, Floods, and Heartbreak through ASHA Ministry in India
bySherry SorbyonJuly 25, 2022
Sri Lanka’s severe food and fuel shortages; Bangladesh and India historic flooding; recently widowed and disabled young Mom; and your hearts of compassion to help! Thank you for your ongoing tangible love and prayers for Life Seeds partners Jayan and Jyothi and their ASHA Ministry in India and neighboring countries.
Sri Lankais an island country in South Asia. Sri Lanka shares a maritime border with India and the Maldives. You may have seen news of their crisis of food and fuel shortages, riots, and instability. This suffering prompted Jyothi and Akhil to fly there with suitcases packed with non-perishable dried food from India. Pastor Dinesh and Pastor Christie helped facilitate the food distribution. Please pray for these pastors and for Sri Lankans to have a peaceful recovery soon.
Sri Lanka Food Distribution
Food Distributed in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Food Outreach
Bangladesh is a country in South Asia bordered by India in the North, The Bay of Bengal in the East and West, and Myanmar in the south. Recently historic floods displaced millions of people in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is the eighth most populated country in the world exceeding 163 milllion with an area slightly smaller than the state of Iowa. Please pray for Harun, who helped facilitate this outreach, and the people of Bangladesh who’ve lost so much. After receiving this help, he wrote they are grateful to you. In their vulnerable situation you stood beside them and sent your love gift. They bless you abundantly.
Helping Flooding Victims Bangladesh
Food Outreach Bangladesh Flooding
Bangladesh Flooding Food Distribution
Uttar Pradesh (UP) is the most populous state in India ( close to 200 million in 2011 census) and is located in the North Central part of the country. Life Seeds is helping support growing outreach of life through 3 pastors there. Recently a disabled Mom of three children tragically lost her husband. Life Seeds sent funds through one of the pastors who promptly purchased provisions for her and the children. Their church will keep us informed for a possible self sustaining project for her and her young family.
Food Outreach in UP for Disabled Widow and her Children
Roof Project Provided for Growing Uttar Pradesh Outreach
Pastor Satish saw a need to provide clothes for his tribal community in Andhra Pradesh. There are approx. 700 Tribes living across India, predominantly in remote areas: forests, hills, and rough terrain in plateau areas. This self sustaining clothes project provides clothes locally and sustainability for Pastor Satish’ outreach.
Self Sustaining Store in Tribal Area of Andhra Pradesh
Self Sustaining Store in Andhra Pradesh Tribal Area
YWAM Team from Bangalore, Karnataka was hosted by Jayan’s Church for Community and Children’s Outreach. Anusha, Jayan’s daughter, recently entered YWAM training in the state of Kerala. YWAM is a family of ministries that benefits those taking the training and helps the life needs of cultures throughout the world. Whether continuing in fulltime life outreach or a professional career, the training is beneficial for not just youth, but adults of various ages as well. (
YWAM Team from Bangalore, Karnataka
YWAM Children’s Meals
YWAM Community Outreach
Jayan reports “8 of us from church drove 4 hours to the border of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana to the Kukunoor District. It was heart breaking. People lost everything and their crops too from the devastating flooding. The government had people evacuate to relief shelters to avoid deaths but only gave 2000 rupees to each family ($25), One week passes by and still many are in relief camps. So sad to see, but God gave us an opportunity to give food, clothes, blankets, share the gospel, and pray for people. Please pray for the victims. Now the water and mud are putrid and people are prone to get sick. May the Lord protect the people and save their lives. The state of Assam in North India was also hit hard with flooding. By God’s grace, we plan to go help when trains resume travel to the area. We praise God for your prayers and support and continue to keep you and America in our prayers.