Jyothi and I of A.S.H.A. Ministries are very grateful to each one of you for your prayers, support, love, and generosity to help us distribute food to those suffering during this COVID-19 pandemic and recent heavy rains. Along with pastors we work with, we were able to distribute food in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. We were able to pray for people and share God’s Good News and tangible love through these Food Outreaches. Much needed seeds of life and hope were received gratefully during times of lockdown. Lives were transformed. Many had gone hungry and some were suicidal facing possibility of starvation. Please pray for India and A.S.H.A Ministry as cases of COVID-19 are rising in some states. We are praying for you and for those suffering loss from the Oregon and West Coast fires. We thank God for all who are helping in the recovery. God bless each of you and multiply the seeds of life you’ve sewn into India and neighboring countries for the harvest of life.
- COVID-19 Food Outreach to Widows
- COVID-19 Food Outreach in Nepal
- Pandemic Food Outreach in Uttar Pradesh
The Coronavirus lockdown was recently lifted in India and slowly transportation is moving again. Jayan had been asked to start the pastors and leaders trainings as soon as possible. The trainings help the pastors and leaders equip the whole church to share God’s love in Word and Deed. During the pandemic they gave food and tangible help, praying for those struggling, sharing the gospel, and many were transformed with the love of God. Please pray they grow and become model citizens of God’s love helping their villages thrive.
- A.S.H.A. Ministry Pastors and Leaders Training During COVID-19 Break
- Pastors and Leaders Training Andhra Pradesh
- Jayan’s Pastors and Leaders Training Food and Fellowship During Pandemic Break
Certified Sewing and Tailoring Instructors teach Life Seeds Sewing Classes through A.S.H.A. Ministry. The classes receive new machines and have excellent Instructors. Women who find themselves abandoned or alone, with children to raise and without skills or education to work, are able to start their own sewing business, go on to teach others, and self sustain. A sewing class began in Uttarakhand State this summer and another Sewing Class just started in Tamil Nadu State.
- Uttarakhand Sewing Class Prepares for Sewing Machines
- Sewing Machines Arrive for Uttarakhand Sewing Class
- New Sewing Class Starts in Tamil Nadu
We are thankful for the self sustaining projects Life Seeds has helped start in several India states. These gave some pastors the ability to self sustain during the pandemic and to help others. Recently in Karnataka we helped a Pastor’s wife, who is a nurse, start purchasing medical equipment to hold a medical camp in her village. She will be holding Blood Pressure Checks, Blood Sugar Levels, Weighing Patients, and giving Health Education. There are 4 self sustaining programs from 4 different states that will be sending in project plans to Life Seeds this fall as India works at mediating the pandemic and opening up the country.
- Blood Pressure, Weight, and Diabetes Checks
During recent heavy rains A.S.H.A. ministry shared food with people from the Yanadi Tribe. The people didn’t have work and their houses were very wet. Groceries were distributed, prayer, and God’s love was shared with them. The people were so happy and thankful to God.
- Heavy Rains in July and August Cause Flooding
- Food Outreach During Heavy Rains
- Food Outreach to the Yanadi Tribe
At the start of October, Life Seeds sent funds to help buy education supplies and approved curriculum for children’s classes in 3 villages of Uttar Pradesh. Please pray for these classes to thrive and these next generation students become good citizens of excellent character. As Zechariah said “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin”…
- Teachers and Children to Receive Needed Education Supplies
- Children to Receive Needed Supplies
At the beginning of October Life Seeds sent more COVID-19 Food Outreach to Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand. Sincere appreciation for your compassion and tangible love as people still are in hunger from the pandemic. If God prompts you to help Life Seeds with outreach in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, or Sri Lanka at this challenging time, please donate securely through our PayPal button on the top of this page or send a check ( made out to Life Seeds ) to Life Seeds P.O. Box 174 Corvallis, Or 97339.
On Nov. 14, at 7 pm, Life Seeds will have a zoom update and fundraiser for our India Programs, Uganda Literacy Programs, and our Local Food Outreach. Special guest speakers will be Jayan Peddoju, A.S.H.A. Ministry Overseer of Life Seeds India Programs, and a few of their pastors and Jonathan Beggs, DCI Uganda Overseer of Life Seeds Uganda Literacy programs, and a few of their teachers. If you want to attend this Zoom Meeting, please send an e-mail to lifeseedsoregon@gmail.com, attn. Robin Becker, and ask for the zoom invitation link and instructions for our upcoming Zoom Meeting in November. She will send you the link about 4 days before the meeting. Sincere appreciation to each of you!