ASHA North India Winter Outreach
Reaching the state of Nagaland and villages there in the far North was exciting! Naga Tribal history of head hunters who came to Christ is well known. Jayan shared the gospel and encouraged pastors there. He attended a Naga Festival and traveled through the state of Assam on the way back. He spoke at a YWAM gathering, challenging the pastors and leaders to discipleship of this generation. Wonderful ministry and fellowship there. In February he traveled to Haryana and taught at the Bible College there. The emerging leaders were envisioned, encouraged, and motivated. Many are first generation believers but he thanks God for their commitment. Follow up of 2 of the Sewing Class Teachers went well. The Punjab Training of pastors and leaders collaborated to plan a month long training for college students on break. An opportunity to start a new self sustaining project in Chandigarh was a great blessing to a nearby school. Jayan was able to share his life story and inspire a youth class.
- Outreach in Tribal State of Nagaland
- Follow Up with Sewing Class Teacher and Family in Haryana
- Training in Haryana Bible School
- Punjab Pastors and Leaders Training
- Jayan Shared in Spoken English Class for Youth in Chandigarh
- Biriyani Food Mobile Self Sustaining Project in Chandigarh
Jayan’s plans for trainings in Odisha and Bangladesh were postponed due to the Coronavirus closure of borders, roads, and self-quarantine requirements. Jayan has had contact with Life Seeds 13 pastors in North India and so far they are ok. Please pray for India’s people and soon mitigation of this virus.
If God prompts you to help Life Seeds’ India Partner Jayan and Jyothi’s ASHA Ministry at this challenging time, please donate securely through our Paypal button at the top of the page or send a check ( made out to Life Seeds ) to Life Seeds P.O. Box 174 Corvallis, Or 97339.