Lee and Sherry Sorby had an inspiring 3 weeks travel through North and South India meeting with pastors, educators, and self sustaining programs Life Seeds Oregon supports. The Tailoring and Sewing Class Instructors and graduates shared their life changing stories with us! We are so thankful for this fruitful Word and Deed Outreach! Passionate young Read more
India Program
All through the month of December Life Seeds ministry partners in India work very hard to bring gifts of needed help and hope in celebration of Christmas. Life Seeds supports this outreach with blankets, clothes, food, skills training, education, counseling, and the pastors who share these gifts and good news of Christmas. These gifts bring life and joy to those in need. In Uganda our ministry partner and team have been working hard preparing and outlining the Adult Literacy Program Goals and Needs for upcoming 2019 ( right click on Uganda goals and needs images and open up in new tab to enlarge brochure for reading text). Read More
Thank you to all who attended the Life Seeds 2018 Fall Fundraising Dinner and everyone who sent their prayers and generous support! May the seeds of life you planted be multiplied forward and back again to you for much fruitfulness. Updates were given by Robin Becker for Jonathan Begg’s Uganda DCI Literacy, Kelly Kapple for Read more
Seeds of life were planted for additional Adult Literacy Classes, a Tailoring/Sewing class, an Eye Medical Camp, Church Buildings, House Prayer Meetings, Public Meetings, and more that brought God’s tangible love! We’re so thankful for Pastor Prem and Grace and the hard working Zion Ministry pastors and teachers in India. They send their grateful appreciation Read more
We hope your Easter Celebrations bring each of you great joy and anticipation of what God’s love can accomplish this Spring in India! Our partner ministries in India continue to serve villages and reach new ones with needed tangible acts of love. Please pray for beloved India, the largest Democratic country in the world – Read more
Dear Friends, As 2017 comes to a close, we pray God’s Blessings in the New Year 2018 for each of you and your family! Enclosed are photos from our partners in India where they will be holding all night prayer gatherings to bring in the New Year. Incredible seeds of life continue to be planted Read more