Lifeseeds Oregon
Sowing Seeds of Life in Word and Deed

Christmas Blessings and Happy New Year from Life Seeds India Outreach

Multiple Christmas and New Year's Services
 What Christmas  joy it was for Life Seeds to be able to help share God’s Love Story in India and give saris to widows; clothes, food, and blankets to street families; and shirts and pants to pastors! In one Tribal Outreach the woman leader of the street families contacted Evangelist Sam and thanked him for coming to bless them for Christmas. The leader said this was the first time someone came and blessed them, shared God’s love, and prayed for them. Her husband was an alcoholic and after hearing Sam’s testimony and receiving prayer, her husband stopped drinking. Sam had a pastor follow up who is visiting nightly and the people are going to church now. All glory to God for Jesus, the “Light of the World” (John 8:12) who brings us out of darkness into His marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9-10) We hope you had a joy filled Christmas too! Happy New Year Friends!

Saris for the Widows with Evangelist Samuel Paul (Sam)

New dresses, cookies, and chocolates for Street Children

Christmas Meal for the Street Families

Discipleship Training School Team Shares the Christmas Story

Sharing the Love of God in Jesus, Immanuel, God with us

Blankets and Sharing God's Love

Blankets and Sharing God’s Love

Christmas Clothes for Pastors

Christmas Clothes for Pastors 

This November and December, Evangelist Sam traveled to the India states of Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Odisha, and Haryana, to meet with, train, and encourage Pastors. By phone I had the privilege to pray with Evg. Sam through each of these travels and Pastor’s Trainings this fall. Sam is very dedicated and hard working, preaching since he was 14 and completed Bible College at 16. Many pastors cried with joy to see him again and were so happy he came. Persecution is increasing in India, especially in the North. Please pray for these pastors, their families, and congregations. The prayer meetings and trainings in these persecuted areas were so appreciated and powerful. God confirmed his Word with healings, deliverances, prophetic words, repentance, and new life. (Isaiah 61:1-3) 

During this Fall’s Pastors Training, Sam met personally some persecuted families and Life Seeds was able to help meet some of their needs. Their stories were heartbreaking. Please pray for protection, provision, peace, and revival in the persecuted areas of India. 

DTS Class with One of the Teachers

Life Seeds helped fund this Peacemakers Discipleship Training School July-Dec. 2024 

Rigorous Discipleship Training for Missions

Rigorous Discipleship Training for Missions

DTS Children's Ministry Outreach

DTS Children’s Ministry Outreach

DTS Outreach Teaching and Testimonies

DTS Outreach Teaching and Testimonies

DTS Outreach Building Elder Care Room

DTS Outreach Building Elder Care Room

Graduation Certificates

DTS Graduation Certificates

Graduation Celebration

DTS Graduation Celebration

Life Seeds to Help Fund Next Peacemakers DTS

Please Pray for this Upcoming Peacemakers DTS

Evangelist Sam

Evangelist Samuel Paul

Evg. Sam oversaw this recent Life Seeds Peace Makers Discipleship Training School for ministry (3 months classes and 2 months outreach). Sam has worked with Youth With A Mission for 7 years and patterns his school after them plus adds helpful courses from his own Bible Training and Missionary work. The students that just graduated from his DTS school Dec. 30 told Sam the greatest help in answering people’s questions during their 2 months outreach was his requirement that they read the entire New Testament in 3 months, color code it, and write assigned summaries of each chapter and memorize verses that really spoke to them. 

Evg. Sam's Color Coding

Evg. Sam’s Bible Color Coding

Please pray for Sam’s Vision of a Peacemaker’s House where pastors can gather freely for training, prayer meetings, and retreats half of the year and Sam can host DTS Schools the other half of the year. This is a project that can become self- sustaining. Your prayers for this project, the pastors, staff, and students is so appreciated in the most populous nation in the world. Life Seeds rejoiced that we could send double salary for Christmas and complete our 2 year commitment for ASHA ministry’s 27 pastors. By God’s grace Life Seeds plans to next support 30 new pastors in unreached and persecuted areas for 2 years. We recently sent out 2 self-sustaining projects; one for an evangelist and one for a pastor.  Jayan reports that he is feeling well and recovered from his recent heart procedure. Praise the Lord! Life Seeds sent funds through Jayan for warm clothes this Christmas to both Chhattisgarh and Odisha. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support in 2024 of ASHA Ministry and Sam’s New Life Seeds Ministry. May your New Year abound in God’s love in and through you, keeping you in good health, peace, and planting seeds of life wherever you go. We love you, praise God for you, and pray 3 John 1:2 over you.